Appointments with Debbie call on 687 619 239.
A sports massage is not just for sporting athletes, but anyone suffering from occupational stress or strains related to your work or daily life.
It can help with postural problems, degeneration of joints and provide corrective exercises.
As a Personal Trainer I can give you prescribed exercises and follow up treatments and I am also able refer you privately to a GP and, using X-rays, we will be able to confirm any issues and the necessary treatment needed.
Sports massage is also useful for others suffering from stiff or aching joints and muscles and can prove very beneficial.
For those keen athletes, sports massage should not be overlooked. In order to perform at your highest level you should consider a maintenance program to keep you injury-free.
By manipulation of the muscle groups using a variety of techniques and by realigning fibres that become congested, you can avoid the problem of knots and adhesions.
It is of great importance to maintain flexibility, assisted stretches with your therapist can greatly increase the strength of the muscle tendon unit and increase you range of movement.
A session of Sports Massage would normally be booked for about an hour although longer sessions can be booked if needed.
Debbie recommends that 90 mins is booked on your first treatment so we can thoroughly find out more about your Medical Problems if need be and always a consultation prior to your treatment is advised to see how I can help you best. All of which is Private and Confidential. The more complex your problems are please allow yourself time I take my work responsibly and follow my code of practice in all areas of my work so please allow me to consult someone in a different field if need be.

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