Debbie is very proud to hold yet another massage qualification. Having been to Thailand to study Thai massage, she was very pleased to pass the course and receive her certificate.
Thai massage has now been added to the extensive list of massages she is qualified to provide and she is keen to demonstrate her new skill to clients old and new.
Thai massage involves stretching and deep massage. This form of bodywork is usually performed on the floor, and the client wears comfortable clothes that allow for movement. No oils are used in Thai massage. It is known in Thailand as "nuat phaen boran" (Thai: นวดแผนโบราณ), literally, the ancient-manner massage. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Thai massage can take an important role in repairing damaged tissue. This blend of acupressure and stretching is especially beneficial for those who find themselves stiff, sore, and generally tired. Those who suffer from arthritis or other disorders affecting mobility can recapture lost range of motion. Thai massage can help prevent disease as it heightens the immunity system therefore speeding up the body’s Lymphatic system
You can book a Thai Massage for around 90 minutes though you can book a longer session if you wish.

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